Wednesday, November 10, 2004

David Icke:

The Bush family is one of these ‘Illuminati’ ‘royal’ bloodlines that
go back to ancient times and these are shapeshifters that can take
either human or reptilian form. It’s all holographic trickery because
everything, including the body, is a hologram and not ‘solid’ as it
appears to be. I have had many reports of people seeing father Bush
shapeshift. As for Kerry, he is said by Burkes Peerage to be more
‘royal’ in his bloodline than any American president, so he’s of the
shapeshifter bloodline, too. Only the bloodline gets into the Skull and
Bones Society. Kerry and Bush are both related to the British royal
family and Vlad the Impaler (‘Count Dracula’). Readers of my books
will understand the significance of this.

More nuttiness here.

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