Monday, March 01, 2004

Ian (gee, thanks, Ian!) hipped me to this appalling news item about a some poor random dude who was hit by a drunk driver in an SUV as he was inspecting a flat tire and dragged to death under the truck - some 8 1/2 miles. Shudder.

I was intrigued, however, by the poor dragee's (no, not that kind of dragee) name - Fitsum Gebreegziabher - and decided to Google it.

The fifth result looked interesting - and, lo, it is indeed a treasure-trove of mystical numerological nonsense, or, as they pronounce it, "Kabalarian philosophy". Try viewing, for example, the unintentionally hilarious Flash presentation that "explains the basic principle of "Why?" and "How?" your name creates your mind." (or, if you prefer, and as stated in the crappy Flash animation, "your mind creates your name". Je pense donc je suis/Je suis, donc je pense. Cause, effect, whatever)

So - guy with a funny name dies horribly, but at least we can find something to laugh about in the whole affair.

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