Monday, July 29, 2002

Thanks, Shaun. Thanks a lot. Now I'm not going to get anything done today, what with all this anti-gravity nonsense to follow up on.

First, I went to the BBC News link Shaun posted and follow some of the links on that page. One of those is to the page on Quantum Cavorite. Aside: the author's explanation makes clear his choice of the term cavorite for the page; for some strange reason I was thinking about phlogiston on the way to work this morning, and the mental meme collision brought on by the sudden juxtaposition of these putative explanations of natural phenomena coerced me into noting this occurrence.


So the QC page has a link to an article in which the author is amazed by a demonstration of what sounds to me like simple diamagnetism. Well, the article is from the "Science and Technology" of Business Week (or is that Bizniness Wizneek?) magazine - which I wouldn't normally quote on science matters for the same reason I don't turn to Scientific American for investment advice.

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