Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Another question for the Pop quiz:

Q3) Who gets to choose the new Archbishop of Canterbury?

a) The head of the Church of England (i.e. the Queen)
b) A comittee of prominent figures in the church
c) The incumbent prime minister

A3) c) - Tony Blair! A man whose term is notionally 4 years gets to choose the leader of the predominant church in the UK for the next few decades. Whilst b) - the committee makes a list of recommendations, Tony is free to ignore them (as Mrs. Thatcher did when she appointed George Carey), and whilst a) - The Queen is supposed to make the final decision, she will do so only on the basis of what Tony recommends!

He'll be wanting to fill the House of Lords (the Senate's rough equivalent in the UK) with a bunch of New Labour cronies next. Doh!

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