Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Lyndon LaRouche ... Teddy Goldsmith ... Roberto Calvi ... P2 ... my head is spinning.

I've mentioned LaRouche before. He's probably delusional, but if he's not, and if he's right, we're all in a heap of trouble.


"First of all, what has happened to the United States is on last Tuesday, the 11th, it came attack by a mysterious force, which I know is some kind of rogue operation inside the security screen of the United States. This did not come from the Middle East. It didn't come from Europe. It didn't come from South America. There may be people who are nationals from other parts of the world who were involved in this, but the operation is very sophisticated, and no one could do an operation like this, from outside the United States at present; there's no one who could do what was done here then."

I think he's dead wrong. I hope he's dead wrong. If you enjoy having your head turned inside out, check out this piece of agitprop.

Teddy Goldsmith is another interesting character - brother of James (Jimmy) Goldsmith, somehow implicated in the vastly complex and largely forgotten Iran-Contra scandal (remember that?) both descendants of Europe's Goldschmidt dynasty - he founded, among other things, The Ecologist magazine, and Howlett's zoo park outside Canterbury. Teddy Goldsmith's own bio, posted on The Ecologist's site, makes it possible to believe there's a link there between him, the Goldschmidts, the groups that have been protesting the IMF and World Bank meetings, Roberto Calvi, P2, the Mafia, the KGB, the CIA, the Catholic Church, the assassination of JFK, and the crashing of two airliners into the World Trade Center ...

For those who want to crank up their personal paranoia meters just a little higher, there's the NameBase, a search engine for citations to "names of individuals and groups involving : assassinations, organized crime, scandals, Wall Street and transnational corporations, foreign policy and media establishments, political elites from the Right and Left, Cold War history and intelligence". Surf away. Type in the name of any shadowy and/or influential figure you've ever heard of - James Bamford, Oliver North, George Bush (GHWB or GWB), any of the Kennedys, either of the Goldsmiths, Henry Ford - and see where the citations lead you.

Finally, if you've never read it, this'd be a great time to invest in a copy of the Illuminatus! trilogy and some high-grade hydroponic marijuana ...

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