Friday, January 30, 2004

Welcome to Georgia; please set you watch back 100 years.

I saw this go by recently and it really grabbed my attention. It seems that the State Superindedent of School in Georgia has had an idea evolving, excuse me, changing over a long period of time. She wants to make sure that no teacher uses the word "evolution." It will be replaced with "biological changes over time." All of this might stem from the fact he last name is Cox... maybe not.

Here's a great quote from the article:

Cox repeatedly referred to evolution as a "buzzword" Thursday and said the ban was proposed, in part, to alleviate pressure on teachers in socially conservative areas where parents object to its teaching.

Clearly, Sherman did not burn enough of the South down to the ground. Or at the very least, he forgot to pave over it when he was done.

Clarence Darrow, where are you when we need you?

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