Sure enough, when you come in to land at Changi, you can't help but notice the friendly notice on the back of the disembarkation card: "WARNING - DEATH FOR DRUG TRAFFICKERS UNDER SINGAPORE LAW". Just in case you didn't notice, the flight crew helpfully remind you of this fact too, as you're on final approach, and strapped into your seat. "Great", I think to myself, "now I can't even get up to flush these three keys of China Cat I'm carrying". I keed, I keed.
The Singaporeans are far from the humorless drones Gibson makes them out to be though - I saw an ad last night that had been illegally fly-posted on the side of a box housing traffic-light electronics that had originally read "Condominium for rent", which some soul had creatively edited with a pocket knife:
And this (presumed) drug abuse education ad was just plain ... strange ...
What's the message here? Don't wish peace on your friends?
Still, the funniest thing I have seen so far is the unintentional humor in a sign in a bathroom here in the office building I'm working in. The sign itself is not very funny on its own; the goodness is that the sign promoting accurate pecker pointing has, in the bottom right corner, the logo of the company that provides the facilities management for the building:
As reprobate Jeff said - "There's no such thing!"
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